Speaking to a highly professional IT sales man today. Craig Rootman. Many can or will relate to his #CareerStory started from the bottom now at the top.
Here is Craig’s Story:
I am a high school dropout that was pretty much heading nowhere in life. I was lost in a scary world and didn’t know what to do with my life. I didn’t have qualifications or experience so things were not looking too good. I asked myself what am I good at and talking was my first thought but how would I make money talking is what I was asking myself, then one day I was given a book by a friend’s uncle called “The best Salesman in the world”
_By Og Mandino.
From there I knew I wanted to be in sales. I applied for a sales job at Nashua when I had just turned 18 and because of my personality I landed the job. 15 years later I am still in the IT sales industry loving what I do.
Sales has a lot of pressure but is a lot fun as well. You have to have a drive and ambition if interested in sales, the never give up attitude. Anybody can be trained to sell but cannot be taught drive and ambition.
I am a daddy, a superhero, a deal closer and an adrenalin junky all rolled into one and have been in Sales for going on 17 years. 10 of those years as a Sales Manager and I love the industry. I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience through the hard core manner in which I was trained.
Thank you Craig for your kind inspiring words!!